não é que eu esteja necessariamente com sexo na cabeça (de uma certa forma sempre estamos), mas os links me levaram a isso. reencontrei um blog que segui por um bom tempo, o belle du jour, um diário muito bem escrito de uma prostituta inglesa. aliás, na lista de links dela você pode se surpreender com o número de prostitutas inteligentes que tem blog e escrevem de maneira extremamente articulada sobre o que fazem. no site da belle, aliás, você encontra cada vez menos sexo. aparentemente ela está em negociações para lançar um livro. mas achei nos arquivos esse trecho sensacional, que dá uma boa idéia do perfil dela - discutindo martin amis com um cliente enquanto tira a roupa.
He stood, trousers off. I sat in a chair in front of him. My shirt (white, as requested) was half-unbuttoned. "I want to write my name in come all over you," he said.
I smirked. "You can't fool me, you nicked that line from London Fields."
He looked at me strangely. Oh no, I thought. Better watch my mouth. "Amis fan?" he said idly, pulling himself with one hand.
"He's not bad," I said, reaching in to the shirt to pull my breasts free of the bra.
"Time's Arrow was pretty tricksy though." A glistening drop of pre-come lolled the tip of his glans.
"Very high-concept. Good book for a long train journey." I pulled at my nipples to his appreciative nods.
It was hot and close in the room. The weather has not been so bad and I thought of asking him to turn the heating off. "I want to smell your sweat mixing with my spunk," he said, as if reading my thoughts.
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